Burma Faces

Whatever the political situation may be the people I met were friendly, smiling and optimistic regardless of what often appear to be deprived conditions.  The people were the highlight of the trip

(All the pictures below are thumbnails that will open as larger images when clicked)



The first girl we saw with distinctive yellow on her cheeks

The thanakha is prepared by rubbing the bark of a limionia tree on a rubbing stone with a little water.

The real Spice Girl

In a market just north of Prome

He had been unhappy seconds earlier

Helping the family business

He is pumping with his leg to drive a potters wheel for his mother

A good beating

Some expressions of concentration are the same in all cultures

She paused from beating the bottom on the pot

Each household makes 50-100 pots every day in the dry season

Rowing a small boat in Mandalay near U-Bein bridge

I tried this rowing technique but did not get the timing of the twist right

concentrating on her pot

Goat herd by an old fort

I can't interpret his expression - he seemed amused at the time !

Tiger Boy !

He followed me up to the Pagoda across the river from Pagan

Not too young to care

Even the very young take great care covering their faces - it protects from the sun and improves the skin.

Peering from upstairs

Not everyday they see europeans going passed in bullock carts !

Waiting for sunset at the pagoda

Alison with a crowd of smiles

Monastic class

The boy on the left was chanting loud and clear - his neghbour looked less happy.